I wrote this post because I thought you would like to know about my evolution as a business professional and entrepreneur. The rest of this message explains my current business, describes the services that I believe can help people become business owners themselves and a says bit about how I came to be a full-blown entrepreneur. I hope you find it interesting, or at least indulge me in this post, and perhaps respond with your own reaction to my entrepreneurial endeavor.
Franchise Strategy Partners
The name of my business is Franchise Strategy Partners (FSP). FSP exists to help people learn more about franchising as a way to be an entrepreneur, provide oneself a living, invest in a winning business model or otherwise participate in franchising for a number of other sensible reasons.
I personally walk my clients through a process that allows them to learn about the franchise business model, review the many franchised businesses available, assess their own skills, experience and aptitude for operating a business, build a financial model and ultimately select a franchise. I also help existing franchise owners find ways to improve their business operations, as well as buy or sell franchise units.
My Clients
Many of my clients have never considered being an entrepreneur, but for a variety of reasons they decide to learn about self-employment and entrepreneurship. They come from a variety of “walks of life,” such as:
- Veterans and Military Spouses that are seeking careers after their military commitment expires,
- People that feel a bit stuck in their present employment situation,
- People that have departed the traditional work world for a variety of reasons,
- People that want to work beyond the so-called “traditional retirement age,”
- Business professionals who want to experience business ownership, and
- Recent college grads and young adults that are seeking non-traditional careers.
My Path to Entrepreneurship
People ask me how I came to be an entrepreneur. Perhaps they think there is a wildly interesting or sordid story. Neither is the case. For me, it has been an ongoing process or evolution toward entrepreneurship. There was no big jumping off point into the pool of entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurial tendencies started early in my career when I was working in a government sponsored manufacturing facility. There were occasional opportunities to meet and consult with smaller manufacturing companies. I jumped at the chance to learn if my experience and expertise could be helpful.
In fact, one of those consulting gigs led to my first job in a private enterprise. It was in that private company that I assumed important leadership roles. I was responsible for short- and long-term strategic planning, meeting sales and profitability goals and hiring and developing employees. I also learned about the importance of establishing a business’ culture and its core values.
My years at a smaller, family-owned enterprise gave me additional insights into the unique dynamics of a closely-held company. I held important positions with the company over the years, including a position that allowed me to assist the company to sell to another enterprise and execute the company’s exit strategy.
As that company wound down I wondered, “What will be next for me?” “Should I find a new employer of the traditional sort, or was there something new and different in my future?” I began to investigate an entrepreneurial path, which in fact I had been on for many years.
Entrepreneurial Coaching and Consulting
While I considered many options, I chose to align with FranServe, Inc., a leading franchise consulting organization. My skills, experience and aptitude – along with FranServe’s comprehensive training and support – have provided me a platform to offer a very valuable service to entrepreneurs. And FranServe offered me a form of entrepreneurism that feels just right for my family and me personally.
After reading this message, I hope you conclude that you now have a friend in the franchise industry. Someone that you, a friend, a family member or business acquaintance could contact to learn more about being an entrepreneur or gain some insight into the franchise business model. I know that I feel good when I can let a friend know of a person that could offer him or her beneficial assistance. Maybe I can be that resource for you and those people in your circles.
I also hope to keep you apprised of alternatives to the traditional career path through these periodic email messages and news posts. If this is not of interest to you, just reply to this message and let me know – or use the unsubscribe feature at the bottom of this message.
Thank you so much for reading my post. If I can help you in any way, please let me know.
Warm regards,
Larry M Reed