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Veteran Support: Association of the United States Army

Franchise Strategy Partners is a corporate member of the Association of the United States Army

association of the united states armyThe Association of the United States Army (AUSA) is a private, non-profit organization that acts primarily as an advocacy group for the United States Army. Founded in 1950, it has 125 chapters worldwide. AUSA is committed to supporting America’s Army–active, National Guard, reserve, civilians, retirees and family members.

AUSA represents soldiers by providing a voice for all components of the Army; fostering public support of the Army’s role in national security; and providing professional education and information programs. KC AUSA is the Kansas City chapter of the parent organization, one of the 127 AUSA chapters located in nine regions worldwide.

Franchise Strategy Partners seeks to assist veterans transition from military life to the civilian workplace.  We understand that civilian life presents new opportunities as well as challenges for veterans. Veterans have many questions about training jobs and business ownership. Franchise Strategy Partners helps veterans review the franchise business model and how it might be suitable for them.

We find that many veterans don’t know about the variety of industries, investment level options or recognize how well their skill sets are transferable to franchise business ownership.  As a corporate member of KC AUSA, we are enthused about supporting the organization’s mission and being a resource for transitioning veterans.